Empathy Does Not Help Us Make Better Decisions

A new study reveals the lack of importance of empathy in how we make decisions:

Iacoboni and his colleagues hypothesized that people who had greater neural resonance than the other participants while watching the hand-piercing video would also be less likely to choose to silence the baby in the hypothetical dilemma, and that proved to be true. Indeed, people with stronger activity in the inferior frontal cortex, a part of the brain essential for empathy and imitation, were less willing to cause direct harm, such as silencing the baby.

But the researchers found no correlation between people’s brain activity and their willingness to hypothetically harm one person in the interest of the greater good—such as silencing the baby to save more lives. Those decisions are thought to stem from more cognitive, deliberative processes.

The Left tells us that the problem in society is not incompetence or solipsism, but that people are anti-social or cruel, which usually means that they rise above others through competition or are unmoved by the “problem” of inequality. The solution that the Left proposes, as always, is destructive: empathy, or the thought that if we just “felt their pain” we would see why we have to “help” other people rather than let them face the consequences of their choices as in natural selection.

The Leftist “argument from suffering” ignores the role of individuals in their own suffering and how people think when they actually have to make a decision. Instead of using empathy, they use logic, because that is how they survive as individuals. In conversation, however, they use empathy because that is how you make other people like you, and by doing that, the self-interested individual succeeds in a socially-driven society like our own.

Mirror Neurons: The “Monkey See, Monkey Do” That Explains Why Ideology Is Infectious

As we look deeper into the causes of The Human Problem that results in genocide through diversity caused by civilization breakdown, the topic of mirror neurons rises more frequently.

Mirror neurons are fundamental components of our brains that “mirror” actions we see in the world, so that we feel as if we were doing those actions. This causes them to create a fast-moving virus of conformity throughout humanity as people lose the distinction between self and group:

In the study, which was published in Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, Iacoboni and colleagues analyzed mirror neurons, brain cells that respond equally when someone performs an action or simply watches someone else perform the same action. Mirror neurons play a vital role in how people learn through mimicry and feel empathy for others.

When you wince while seeing someone experience pain — a phenomenon called “neural resonance” — mirror neurons are responsible.

In addition, these mirror neurons explain many human behaviors, and why those behaviors spread through an infection model:

Mirroring works in both. Learning through observation is important, especially if you see a player who is more skilled than you are. Seeing the actions of others activates your own motor system. And watching sports is almost like playing the game. When you watch with others, you’re getting this vicarious experience, and you have the fellow humans [around you] doing the same thing. It’s highly rewarding.

…Creating and/or inducing mirroring during a salesman-customer interaction likely benefits salesmanship. A good salesman’s connection with the customer lowers all the defenses. You feel good if you buy stuff from this guy you like so much. I guess some politicians do that, too.

…People have their own motives, public opinion changes and issues change, but also the public image of [candidates] is affected by what other people are thinking. [The media] report on polls [as though] people are just thinking about the issues. But if, in a community, someone says, “I’m unhappy with this candidate who I really liked two months ago,” that can spread like emotions spread. You may see an incredible sway in polls because of a community in which people reinforce each other’s decision-making.

…In most cases, when you are in any social situation, you want to conform. It’s a way of feeling that you belong to that community, even if it’s just a party. And a simple way to belong is to do what other people do.

This article mentions mirror neuron response as a control mechanism, albeit — for now — confined to psychological maladies:

A number of conditions — schizophrenia, depression, autism — have a social cognition deficit. [People suffering from] malfunctioning social cognition don’t get into the minds of others. If we are able to improve empathy, we may improve the social cognition — and even the community function — of these patients.

Those of us who are concerned about the genocidal tendencies of humanity realize that, terrifyingly, mirror neurons create a social-emotional response that resembles herd behavior like stampedes, feeding frenzies, and events where the group turns on an individual and kills them. All of these are observable in nature and there is zero reason to think they do not manifest in humanity.